Dr. Zoe Harcombe is a researcher, author, and blogger. She's a well-known public speaker in the health and diet field. For over 20 years, she's studied obesity and overeating. Her weight loss approach helps many lose weight fast and in a healthy way.
Listen to her in this you tube video with Jesse Chappus; 20 years of experience is valuable. Love her Wales accent
Some of the things she talks about are:
the dietary guidelines...problematic or not?
carbs to loose weight?
intermittent fasting, good or not?
fiber...do we need it?
should we eat dairy?
the saturated fat myth
& so much more
This is the link: https://youtu.be/KueqqIlVDo4?si=r8DA5Mh6Po5mnElN

Need help with getting started on your new health journey? Let me help...click for a free assessment: https://www.simplenutrient.com/booking-calendar/free-initial-assessment?referral=service_list_widget
Talk soon & stay on the healthy course! Martha